Tuesday 7 June 2016

Japanese Banknote Proses Production

Paper Production Process

  1. Cutting
  2. Defibering
  3. Cleaning
  4. Mashing
  5. Mixing
  6. Paper Making
  7. Cutting
  8. Counting


Pulp, the raw material for paper, is shredded into fine pieces using a paper shredder. The paper material for banknotes is made from mitsumata (Oriental paperbush or Edgeworthia papyrifera), abaca pulp, and other fibers.


The paper material is defibered appropriately for different applications.


Dust and other foreign matter is removed from the paper material.


Closely intertwined fibers make paper strong. Thus, fibers are ground so that they will mesh well with each another.


Various materials for paper are mixed with chemicals to produce the final paper material for banknotes.


Sheets of paper are made from paper material using paper machines. This process is called paper making, in which paper material is poured over a net to create a thin layer of paper, which is then dried and rolled up. Delicate watermarks are also created during this process.


Rolled paper is cut precisely to predetermined dimensions.
In this process, the roll of banknote paper is changed into sheets (large sheets of paper).


Paper sheets are counted accurately using a counting machine.
Sheets of banknote paper are sent to the printing process.

Printing Production Process

  1. Original Drawing
  2. Original Plating
  3. Plate-making
  4. Printing
  5. Hologram Application
  6. Serial Number Printing
  7. Cutting
  8. Inspection/Finishing
  9. Wrapping
  10. Completion

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