Tuesday 7 June 2016

10 Countries Featuring Women on Banknotes That Helped Shape History

10 Countries Featuring Women on Banknotes That Helped Shape History

Just recently, it was announced that there will finally be a woman pictured on United States’ currency. Specifically, the 10-dollar bill. This is quite an important step for us, but what if I told you that the United States is vastly far behind many other countries when it comes to this type of recognition for influential women?
In fact, many other countries have placed women on their currency long before the United States. Let’s take a look at ten of these countries and see what we’ve been missing out on in the US.

1. United Kingdom: Jane Austen

Recently in the UK, they have decided to replace a woman who was already on one of their banknotes with a man. In order to continue having at least one woman represented by their currency, they have announced that Jane Austen will be pictured on the £10 note, replacing Charles Darwin. Jane Austen in an incredibly influential writer in English Literature. Ever heard of Pride and Prejudice? That was her.

2. New Zealand: Kate Sheppard

10 Countries Featuring Women on Banknotes That Helped Shape History
New Zealand features Kate Sheppard, a member of the New Zealand Women’s Suffrage, on their10-dollar note. Sheppard helped New Zealand become the first country in the world with universal voting rights for both men and women… and now she has promoted universal rights on New Zealand’s currency for both men and women, too.

3. Mexico: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Seventeenth–century Mexican writer, poet, and nun, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, can be found on Mexico’s 200 peso note. Cruz is considered to be a large contributor to the Spanish Golden Age.

4. Korea: Shin Saimdang

On Korea’s 50,000 won note you will see Shin Saimdang, a renowned writer, artist, and calligrapher, poet, and mother of a scholar. Now, add the face of the 50,000 won to that list.

5. Canada: Queen Elizabeth II

10 Countries Featuring Women on Banknotes That Helped Shape History
Queen Elizabeth II, who can be found on multiple country’s currencies, rests peacefully on Canada’s 20-dollar note. As the longest-reigning sovereign in Canada’s modern era, it is only appropriate she is featured.

6. Chile: Gabriela Mistral

Nobel prize recipient in Literature, poet, and educator Gabriela Mistral is featured on the 5,000 Chilean peso note. Throughout her life, her influence was so great they gave her the honor of the 5,000 Chilean peso, and that truly is the dream.

7. Iceland: Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir

Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir: daughter of priest Jon Arason, wife of two bishops, and face of the 5,000 krona note. Seamstress by day, face of all Icelandic women and their contributions to Icelandic culture by night.

8. Japan: Ichyo Higuchi

10 Countries Featuring Women on Banknotes That Helped Shape History
As a writer and poet during the late 1800s, Ichyo Higuchi was honored with placement upon the5,000 yen note. Higuchi is said to be the most important Japanese woman writer of her period.

9. Norway: Kristen Flagstad and Sigrid Undset

Norway features not one, but two women on two separate bank notes. The first, Kirsten Flagstad, can be found on the 100 krone note while the second, Sigrid Undset, is featured on the 500 kronenote. Flagstad is known as the greatest Wagnerian soprano of the mid-20th century. WhileUndset was a novelist who received a Noble prize in literature.

10. Switzerland: Sophie Tauber-Arp 

Lastly, yet in no particular order, Sophie Taeuber-Arp sits proudly upon Switzerland’s 50 francnote as one of the foremost figures of the rebellious Dada art movement. Her multimedia works bridged the gap between fine and applied arts.
Reflect upon these, and really think about the progress that has been made within our world. Then think about all the progress that still has the chance to be made.
These countries will forever be known as the countries that put women on their currency before the United States, but at least we finally caught up with them. If banknotes are a passion of yours, I highly suggest you do more reading into the histories behind these influential women. Their strength and abilities are definitely something to admire.


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